Andreas Vollenweider — Down To The Moon (1986) (FLAC)

Andreas Vollenweider - Down To The Moon (1986) (FLAC)
Released: 1986 | Track: 12 | Country: Switzerland | FLAC | : 36:28 | Label: Columbia — COL 485165 2 / 485165 2 | 3% Recovery Added | 321 MBGenre: Electronic, Ambient

01. Down to the Moon
02. Moon Dance
03. Steam Forest
04. Water Moon
05. Night Fire Dance
06. Quiet Observer
07. Silver Wheel
08. Drown in Pale Light
09. The Secret, the Candle, and Love
10. Hush — Patience at Bamboo Forest
11. Three Silver Ladies Dance
12. La lune et l\’enfant

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